Monday, 27 March 2017

A Formation Event in September 2017

The Word of God in the Sacraments of the Church
For those who prepare people to celebrate sacraments of initiation

Friday September 15, 2017 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
and Saturday September 16, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Providence Spirituality Centre
1200 Princess St. Kingston, ON

We are called to hear and reflect on the Word of God to more deeply become the word of God ourselves and proclaim it by our lives. This gathering will focus on the role of the Word of God in our lives as Catholics. We shall explore the place God’s Word has in the preparation for Baptism, Confirmation and first sharing in Holy Communion as well as the implications of having the Word of God at the heart of the initiation process (RCIA).

The conference is for all who prepare others to celebrate a sacrament of initiation including
Pastors and Deacons,
those who lead the parish RCIA,
parish leaders responsible for the Baptism preparation for infants
leaders of the parish Confirmation Preparation
leaders of the parish First Communion Preparation
and all people who have a passion for God’s Word.

Option A $105.00 *                                                                
Supper on September 15                                                       
Conference and Facility Fee                                                 
Accommodation at Providence Spirituality Centre ***
Breakfast, Lunch on September 16

Option B (commuters) $50.00 
Conference and Facility Fee
Lunch on September 16
*Add $10.00 if registering after August 15th.

***The rooms at Providence Spirituality Centre do not have a private bathroom. There is limited availability so please register early.

A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the Thriftlodge Kingston (formerly the Peachtree Inn), located across the street from the centre. The cost is $99.00 (double occupancy) which includes parking, WIFI, continental breakfast. Reserve your room with Thriftlodge Kingston (1-800-706-0698) before August 15, 2017. When reserving your room please mention reference number 732-998038 or ask for the OLC Initiation group. 

Full brochure available after June 1, 2017 at 
click on Upcoming Workshops.
Email: or call Catherine at 705 718 4808.