Friday, 26 October 2018

Preparing for Life at the Table of the Lord
A Newsletter from the Christian Initiation Committee
 of the Ontario Liturgical Conference
Fall Ordinary Time 2018 

Preparing for and Celebrating a Rite

As we move closer to the end of the liturgical year many initiation leaders are focused on preparing to celebrate the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens or the Rite of Welcoming Candidates.

For experienced and new leaders alike, the best place to turn when preparing to celebrate a rite is the blue ritual book, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. 

We recall that unbaptized inquirers (7 years of age and older) celebrate the Rite of Acceptance and baptized candidates (7 years of age and older) seeking reception into Full Communion celebrate the Rite of Welcoming Candidates. The two rites are never celebrated at the same liturgy. (par. 457 & 466). The baptismal dignity of the candidates is to be respected.

There is never a reason to schedule the two rites during the same liturgy. In a parish that gathers only once for Sunday Mass it may be necessary to schedule the rites over two weeks. In other parishes it will be possible to schedule the two rites at two different liturgies.

Readiness to Celebrate

Before discerning if an inquirer is ready to celebrate the first public rite it is wise to review par. 42 & 458.  The Church is looking for signs of first faith, initial conversion and a start to the practice of calling upon God in prayer, a sense of the Church and some experience of sharing in the life of the community.  This is the formal beginning of the initiation journey.  Those ready to celebrate this first rite will have begun to develop the habit of weekly participation in Sunday Mass. 

Celebrating in the Midst of the Community

The rites are celebrated during Sunday liturgy. For the unbaptized the rite begins outside the worship space or in the narthex and for the baptized the rite begins in the midst of the assembly.  For both rites the Penitential Rite and Gloria are omitted. (See pages 20 & 270 in the ritual book.)

Preparing musicians, lectors and ministers of hospitality will foster a more vibrant celebration. Including sung acclamations invites the entire assembly into prayer.  It is important to use a microphone so the responses of those seeking initiation can be heard. Preparing sponsors in advance so they are able to guide the inquirers means the dignity and power of the rite is strengthened.

Breaking Open God’s Word

Each Sunday from the day the rite is celebrated until full initiation, after the homily the catechumens and candidates will be sent to reflect and feast on God’s Word (par. 67 & 485).

The Ontario Liturgical Conference is a consultative body to the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario in liturgical matters. The Christian Initiation Committee supports the OLC in matters pertaining to the implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and other issues of Christian Initiation in Ontario, Canada. One of the primary goals of the Christian Initiation Committee is to promote the vision of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults as it applies to adults, children of catechetical age and those baptized in infancy. To be added to the email list please contact